


This blog post is part four in a six-part series by 拉里Doty examining how new graduates can compete 和 excel in a global economy.

This blog post is part four in a six-part series by 拉里Doty examining how new graduates can compete 和 excel in a global economy.

在获得布克奖的几年前, author Marlon James’ first novel’s manuscript was rejected by 78 publishers. 同样地,在他早期的一份草稿中. 苏斯遭到了29次拒绝. For many of us, one or two rejection slips would’ve been more than enough to call it quits. We naturally tend to start predicting failure 和 defend ourselves by throwing in the towel.

The simple truth, it’s easy to be the person who gives up 和 says “I might as well stop trying.“求职者经常会发现自己遭到拒绝. Just because you didn’t get the call back for a job interview or you made a pitch at work that was met with criticism, 这并不意味着你应该让失败成为你的期望.

Learning to control your urges to predict failure is particularly important, 因为有时候你的大脑会和你作对. 例如,在Wired上引用的一项研究中.com, researchers found that when non-football athletes were prompted to kick field goals 和 missed, they were prone to perceiving a change in the size of the goal posts. 那些没有击中球门的人认为门柱太窄了, 和 those who tended to kick short imagined the crossbar being higher than it truly was. 换句话说, their failure caused their mind to see things differently than how they were in reality.

The same thing can happen to you when you don’t get that call-back or get overlooked for a 促销活动. Your brain can interpret the disappointment as you’re not qualified enough for the job, 工作量太大了, 等. Don’t allow yourself to make excuses, even if your mind tries to trick you into it. Learning to persist through failure 和 continuing to projecting a positive attitude will lead to an inevitable win.

软件下载都会失败. 软件下载都会遇到挫折. Those of us who are resilient enough to keep trying 和 stay motivated end up getting the farthest in the end. If you start filling out a job application with the idea that it’s a pipedream, odds are you’ll be less inclined to make your approach as strong as possible. If you don’t take professional risks because you’re concerned about how the risk will be perceived, 那么你将永远无法从真正的创新中获益.

There will always be some pushback when something isn’t a sure thing. You’ll always find reasons to play it safe when you start worrying about failure. When you start thinking this way regularly, it’s sure to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie A League of Their Own, in which Tom Hanks plays the addicted 和 embattled man年龄r of a professional women’s baseball team, 吉米·杜根. In the movie the Coach has a conversation with his star player (played by Geena Davis) who decided to quit before the season was over. 她说:“这太难了.” The coach emphatically responds, “It’s the hard that makes it great!”

为赢而游戏. Consider all that you’ve overcome thus far in your life 和 career. 所有 the risks you’ve taken 和 all the accomplishments you’ve earned. You went back to school to earn your degree…at the time it might have been easier to not try, 但想想如果你没有申请,你会错过什么, consider how all you have been through has defined who you are 和 where you will go.

你想要那份工作或晋升? Remember that each experience helps to shape you for the greatness you can obtain.

自2008年以来, 拉里Doty has been appointed to various positions of leadership at Herzing大学 including Academic Dean, 教育及教育基金处处长, 和高级系统的本科生院长. 在明尼阿波利斯校区的时候, Doty successfully provided oversight to multiple accreditation initiatives at the programmatic 和 institutional level. Doty quickly developed a reputation for developing high performing teams 和 exceeding institutional expectations in areas such as budgeting 和 planning, 团队开发, 学生保留率.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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